Insurance companies driving leak detection technology adoption amongst consumers.
John Wallace, owner of Atlanta-based JM Wallace Plumbing, has been offering leak detection solutions since 2007, but it’s only recently during the last few years where he’s really seen the technology take off.
“We do a lot of high-end work in the Buckhead-Atlanta area in a lot of larger, custom homes,” Wallace says. “The insurance companies down here are basically requiring homeowners to have some type of leak detection technology installed in their homes, so they’re driving a lot of adoption. Basically, when you start getting into sheet rock trim, hardwood floors and all the really high-end materials and whatnot, the insurance companies really start pushing these homeowners — not the builders.”
After starting his own company in 2000, Wallace immediately recognized the benefits of offering leak detection solutions to customers.
“The work we do, everything is high-end, and with all these finishes, why not give the homeowner the option to be able to shut their water off when they go out of town? I’ve built up relationships with my customers based on trust. Why not offer them this peace of mind? A lot of homeowners don’t even think about what happens if a pipe bursts or a washing machine or water heater breaks and floods the home unless they’ve already experienced a similar situation. It saves them from having to go through tragic times dealing with flooding and the insurance companies. Though all of it is terrible and bad, water damage to me is a lot worse than even a fire.”
JM Wallace installs leak detection products in both new construction and retrofit applications. Wallace actually receives a lot of leads through FloLogic.

“FloLogic was one of the first ones on the market with this technology — they kind of spearheaded the way for other companies,” Wallace explains. “And I’m a big believer in small business — I’m a small company. If there is an issue, they are a phone call away, and they always answer the phone. They send product, no questions asked and stand behind their warranty work. FloLogic is just a great company to partner up with. There’s a lot of great products out there, and I’ve installed a lot of different ones, but FloLogic is my go-to product.”
After detecting a leak or critically low room temperature, the FloLogic system closes the water supply to minimize and prevent any damage or waste. The FloLogic mobile app sends instant alerts, providing vital information about abnormal water activity, critically low temperatures, or auto-shutoffs. Homeowners can easily forward information to a plumber, caretaker or their emergency contacts.
Wallace prefers FloLogic’s leak detection system because installation is very user-friendly.
“Every installation is different depending on the house — if you’re going back in and retrofitting it in, sometimes you have to rework a few little things here and there to make everything fit together just right as opposed to a new construction process where you just work it into the design. At the end of the day, everything is plug-and-play and self-explanatory
“The other thing I like is the whole makeup of the valve itself is all brass,” he adds. “FloLogic also comes with a battery backup. The other beauty about it is say someone forgets to shut the water off when they leave on a vacation — FloLogic automatically defaults to away mode after 18 hours of no water usage. There are still water functions, but it’s very limited. It’s really awesome technology in my opinion.”
On the other side of the country, Los Angeles-based Beagle Services has been offering leak detection solutions since its inception over two years ago.
“Our mission is to prevent water damage and water loss at scale,” notes Paul Vacquier, CEO, Beagle Services. “We are helping clients prevent water damage, which is the number one cause of preventable insurance claims. We also help conserve water loss due to leaks and updating plumbing systems.”